Basic Guide to The Essential Design Elements

Graphic design includes not only software work but apart from the technical stuff it also covers the visualization part. In order to create inspiring designs, there is a need to work on ideas as well as fundamentals of the main subject. There are some handful elements of graphic design that an amateur as well as professional designer should keep in mind while starting a project. In this article, we are going to jump on those essential elements that you need to know first. Top Design Elements Line: It is one of the basic design elements that contain two points and on the other hand, in the field of drawing, a line is just a pencil’s stroke. Now, why are lines so important? Well, lines are important because they divide the whitespace and also draw the center of attraction. For instance, think about a poster which contains different kinds of lines for dividing the headings and other content. Color: Here comes one of the most obvious parts of design i.e. color that gives a mood to the brand story. Apart from the mood, it can also work as a proper background; in short, it stands apart from the other. Every color gives a different meaning that a brand can use to shows its identity. Color can be applied on the other parts of the layout like shape, line, typography, etc. Typography: Next in the queue is typography that stands alone in graphic as well as web design. By using different fonts, along with color, shapes, lines, etc., you can give a better user experience to your users. Thus, font style is important. Shape: Let’s talk about shapes. Shapes can be organic, natural or geometric. Apart from color and typography, shape also adds interest. You can use shapes to emphasize something a part in the layout. Do you know that all the elements somewhere create a feel of a shape? Texture: Here comes texture that is essential to add in the piece of content that won’t be touched. Now, why is it necessary to play with texture? Using texture is the amazing way to give a 3 dimensional look in the 2D appearance that also forms an immersive world. And there is no doubt that every design rely on texture to give the material feel. Space: If we talk about space then mainly it is about two types of spaces, one is “Negative space” and another is “white space”. White space is the part of the layout that is left black and gives a breathing space where color doesn’t matter. On the other hand, negative space forms a different object within existing form. Balance: Balance comes with two kinds – symmetry and asymmetry. In the graphic design language, they are two schools actually. Now, asymmetry is one of the most preferable types of balance that is also recommended by expert artists. Harmony: The main of goal of any design fulfills with Harmony that is what no doubt important. It is the ultimate goal of a designer. Harmony comes in main role when each and every element works seamless all together. Contrast: In order to emphasize on a portion of the page, it is essential to work with the principle of dominance and emphasize. This could be done by using contrast. Using the right color scheme can help you to do that. Scale: Last but not least, here we have scale. Now using scale, you can give a sense of emphasizes. You can scale shapes, text, and other parts to add interest. Don’t add symmetrical objects as it gives a sense of boringness. Add variation in the size. Also, in the typography, add variation in the style. Combine the different style and make the overall project complete. So, we have covered the basic 10 important elements that can help you in creating the classic piece.

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