The best possible water to use for infusing tea is well water. But here are the alternatives for us city folk: Tips for a pure brew: * Tea leaves love spring water, so use it if you have it available. This is my first choice because it is the nextRead More →

A Gourmet is someone who has expert knowledge and enjoyment of food and drink. It follows therefore, that gourmet food relates to the preparation of high quality food that is at once urbane, luxurious, rare and carefully groomed. This elaborate description would create visions of delicacies, intricately prepared and laidRead More →

If you are organising an event, consider this. The guests who attend may not remember what was discussed, but they will remember the food! Here are some top tips for planning your catering. Choose your caterer well in advance and shop for items you need to purchase, to ensure availability.Read More →

Ah, spring, when a young man’s thoughts turn to romance, and visions of things like moonlit strolls, quiet walks in the woods and picnics in a secluded spot look even more alluring. With today’s fast-food culture, though, a romantic picnic idea can be hard to come by. Let’s see ifRead More →

The name “shortbread” comes from shortening, the primary ingredient in this dessert that was once reserved for Christmas but is now enjoyed on any and every occasion. Like many traditional desserts, shortbread has been with us for centuries. Ancient records trace this simply prepared, yet rich and satisfying sweet cookieRead More →

According to a Harvard University – Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in Philadelphia and Baltimore schools, students who usually ate school breakfast had better math grades, higher standardized test scores, decreased absences and tardiness, reduced hyperactivity and improved social relations in comparison to children who seldom ate school breakfast.Read More →